On this serial of photographs are shown hand gestures witch are making a specific sign system witch we usually recognize as an expression of indecency, spite (despite), uncivilized behavior and bad education. Often these attributes are connected as our national stereotype. Often interpreted as a base of primitivism and incapability of our society to integrate in the "codes" of European civilization.
In the same way, this sign-system almost became a point of identity for those who refuse those shapes of integration.
Meanwhile, this work speaks about the problematic of creating a collective identity in witch political questions are replaced with questions about someone's level of "civilization". That is why this kind of gesturing is one of the ways for protest-emancipation of someone whose different communication with structures of power is being denied. The work is consisted of two projections and one sculpture.
The sculpture named "Orthopedic help for nice hand gesture" is setup between the two projections. On left projection goes the first set of photographs. They are in loop, showing all the symbolical hand gestures; right-side projection is for the video looped photographs that are showing the "orthopedic help for nice hand gesture" and how it "produces" this "nice" hand gesture.